20 Best Tips

AHHHH!! The right code!!

I posted the wrong code for the Curriculum Clean-Out button! If you grabbed one and posted it on your site, could you update it to this please?

<center><a href=”https://www.homeschoolcreations.net/category/Curriculum%20Clean-Out” target=”_blank”><img border=”0″ alt=”Photobucket” src=”http://i678.photobucket.com/albums/vv146/homeschoolcreations/curriculumcleanout175.jpg”/></a></center>


A Bite of Geography

There may come a day when our family will be world travelers, but until then we are exploring our world from the comfort of our home. We might be sprawled out on the floor using an atlas, globe, and some great literature to learn all about the world around us, but in our own way we are traveling and having a great adventure.

Read more of my post at Heart of the Matter Online…


HOTM 2009 Conference

Were you unable to attend a local homeschool convention this year…but wish you still had the chance? Would being able to attend in your pajamas be an incentive?

Heart of the Matter 2009 Online Conference might be your answer! The conference will be from August 3-7, costs only $12.95 and here’s what is in store {from HOTM site}:

* Live sessions, entirely online, with some of the homeschooling community’s most popular speakers and authors.

* Free access to download and save the MP3’s from all the sessions, as well as all the handouts, chat logs, and presentations.

* Participation in real-time question and answer sessions with all your favorite speakers.

* More than $200 worth of freebies in your goodie bag.

* A chance to win some amazing prizes including a $259 Rosetta Stone software package, a complete Workbox System including shelf and boxes (value $85), and products from Lego…we have over $700 worth of giveaways!

* The opportunity to make some new life-long friends and experience some fun and fellowship.

Be sure to head over and check it out!


You’ll Have to Visit Me..

Starting this month, I will be contributing at Heart of the Matter Online. There are some other great ladies that are also new contributors to HOTM ~ be sure to stop by and see who else is new!

{And don’t worry. I’ll be sure to let you know when my first post goes up!}


Terrific Tot Sites ~ PBS Kids Sprout

Although we do have PBS at home, we do not have PBS Kids Sprout as part of our cable package…so truthfully, I can’t tell you much about the programing on the channel other than what I’ve read online. I can tell you about the PBS Kids Sprout website though, since I do have access to that! …. {Read more at the Totally Tots blog}

Friday’s Gracious Giveaways


There’s a new blog carnival starting up tomorrow hosted by Susana called Friday’s Gracious Giveaways. Did you hear the word ‘giveaways’?? Want to know a little more??

Friday’s Gracious Giveaways is a weekly blog carnival that will be hosted each Friday starting tomorrow {June 26th}. There are so many great giveaways around in the bloggy world, but many are missed because the blogs hosting them might not have a lot of traffic, or be able to get the word out effectively. This carnival will be a central place to link all of the great giveaways {and find some fun stuff too!}.

Be sure to bookmark her page to check out each week for fun stuff to win!
