20 Best Tips

Vote and Help Me Out!

Voting is now open for favorite Company Girl photos ~ and mine is one of the pictures!!! I’m a little partial to the picture {and I’m shameless enough to beg for your help!}.

What’s in it for me? The winner of the most votes will get a guaranteed spot in the Company Girl book and the winning photo will be professionally mounted on canvas for me to enjoy for years to come!

{Photo #62}

I also entered this picture of McKenna with one of our friend’s daughters – they had so much fun playing together that night!

{Photo #61}

Cast your vote by clicking on the little star under the picture – it’s that simple!

Each person is allowed to cast three votes, so you can vote for my two and have fun looking around for another. Voting is open until Sunday, June 28th. So please ~ vote, vote, vote! :) You can click on either of the pictures to take you directly to that voting page.

Thanks so much for your help!


Paintbrush Set Giveaway

Susana is hosting a giveaway for a super-cute Funky Artist paintbrush set over at Our Homeschool Fun.

Be sure to stop by and tell her I sent you over! Unless of course you’d like to increase my chances by not entering…{grins}


The Joys of Homeschool Convention

I love homeschool convention time.

Love it.

Wandering around the huge vendor hall. Finding great deals in the used curriculum sale. Refueling by listening to some amazing speakers.

Going into convention I had all my curriculum choices lined up {in a nice little row thank.you.very.much} ~ so certain of what I needed to buy. Wanted to do. Planned to follow.

Here I am on the other side of convention having ditched one of my curriculums {language} and will now be spending the next few weeks furiously reviewing a new language curriculum for our upcoming year.

If you are at all familiar with my personality, this is really stretching me. Putting me out of my comfort zone. But I am very excited about our upcoming year and getting planning underway.

I’ll be sharing the different areas we’ll be studying next year and also our plans for the summer in the next little bit, so stay tuned. {And feel free to ask any questions!!}


Homeschool Convention Time!!!


Would You Like More Free Worship Music?

Check out No Ordinary Moments today for a few free downloads from John Mandeville’s album We Belong to Heaven!


My Dear Followers…

Just because I can’t see your faces in my sidebar doesn’t mean that I

a) don’t love you
b) will forget about you

I am hoping that removing that little widget on the side {along with a few others} will help with all the crashing of Internet Explorer. Because I’d hate for you to get all frustrated and never come back to visit!

Of course, if I could convince you about all the wonderful aspects of Firefox…and how simple it is to use…and the fact that it rarely {if ever} crashes on me…you might just get hooked.

Just giving you a heads up ~ because there is a post in the works about all my favorite things that I can do with Firefox coming up! If you use Firefox, are there any wonderful add-ons that you are ever-so-thankful for?