20 Best Tips

Help Me Out Here…

I’ve had several people email me recently telling me the Internet Explorer is shutting down when they view my site.

Are you having problems too?

I use Firefox and everything is quite lovely in Firefox-land. Out of curiosity I opened up my IE and tried to log onto my site and I’m getting nothing in the right hand sidebar {or if I do, it’s all a little skewed}.

Could you all chime in and let me know what you are using to view my site and if you are having any issues?

This would also be the point that I mention again HOW MUCH I LOVE FIREFOX…and how much IE annoys me {I’ll step off my soapbox now}.

Update: Could you let me know which version of IE you are using? 7 or 8? There is a possibility that it could also be linked to either the ‘link within’ widget that I was using or the followers widget…I’m checking into it! In the meantime, you won’t see the ‘followers’ or link within. Let me know if that makes a difference.


The Leaning Tower of Eiffel

We’re still studying France. We’re just FLYING through the countries I tell ya.

{That would be a HIGH amount of sarcasm, people. I’m spreading it on thick here.}

We’ve been focusing more on Paris this week thanks to the book Madeline. Today, out of sheer “Please give Mommy a few moments of peace, because I you all are going to drive me c.r.a.z.y!!“, I handed the kids the majority of our straws, a roll of coveted Scotch tape and told them to build something they might find in Paris.

Despite several rounds of frustrated tears, tape being stuck to certain children’s faces, and general mayhem, there was a colorful end result.

The picture doesn’t quite do it justice, because truly it’s even more pitiful than it looks and it leans waaaaaaay to one side if left standing for more than 10 seconds on it’s own. See?

Zachary has lovingly dubbed it “The Leaning Tower of Eiffel”.


Guest Posting @ Today’s Housewife

I’m guest posting over at Today’s Housewife about ‘learning spaces’. Stop on over and say hi!


Great Deals on Old Schoolhouse Magazine


Until midnight on Tuesday, May 26th, you can subscribe to The Old Schoolhouse Magazine ™ for only $15. Plus, as a bonus, you can select 5 FREE WeE-books of YOUR CHOICE! TOS is taking $10 off for one-year print subscriptions! (U.S. only). Use coupon code “FREEPICK5” when checking out. For more details, click through for a 1 year subscription.

Also, there are less than 5 days left to RENEW your subscription to the Old Schoolhouse ™ Magazine and get 2 years for the price of 1! For just $25 you’ll receive 2 full years of TOS! But you must subscribe by June 2nd to get the summer issue! Use coupon code “2YRRENEWAL“~ that’s $3.12 an issue. You can find more details here.


Preschool Corner…

I am pulling together a post to show what we did in our robin study this last week…but I’ve been a little sidetracked having fun for my birthday! :)

More to come!


So Very Sad…

We saw our momma robin this morning for a bit, but noticed later in the day that she hasn’t come back to the nest.

A quick look inside and there are only two eggs in the nest now {not the original three}…and no one to sit on them.

We’re still working on our robin unit, but sad since we most likely won’t have any hands-on field study and observation of the babies.

So very sad.
