20 Best Tips

Homeschool Showcase #23 is up

Be sure to check out Homeschool Showcase over at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers today!. Kris is showcasing some great ideas from a variety of homeschoolers (yours truly included).


Thank you very much!

Thanks so much to Mama Jenn for the One Lovely Blog award! {Incidentally, she has a GREAT post that I’ve bookmarked on making links open in a new window – love it!}

Thanks also to Clemencia for her award of Premio Dardo ~ “Premio Dardos” means “prize darts” in Italian, and the award is given in recognition of cultural. ethical, literary, and personal values transmitted in the form of creative and original writing.

I appreciate it ladies.


You Need to Bake These

I posted a recipe today for Strawberry Shortcake Cookies at No Ordinary Moments.

They are SO good. You might just want to check them out. {grins}


Which Preschool Printables Next?

I’d like your input. Seriously!!

I have a bunch of different ideas swimming around in my head for preschool printables {similar to the consonant cards and color matching cards that I made a bit ago}.

BUT too many choices make me crazy and I’m not sure where to start ~ that’s where you all come in!

What would you like to see next?

~ Fruits and Vegetables {pictures and names to match up}
~ Number matching cards {numbers and counting dots}
~ Shapes {basic shapes and items that are in that same shape. i.e. circle/clock}
~ Body parts and words

I have some ideas for older children too {Roman numerals and fractions} so stay tuned for those too! Leave a comment or use the little poll to the top right and let me know what you want!


Homeschool Showcase #22 is UP!

Be sure to check out Homeschool Showcase over at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers today!. Kris is showcasing some great ideas from a variety of homeschoolers (yours truly included).


Amazon Giftcard Giveaway

I’m having a giveaway on my family blog, No Ordinary Moments, for a $25 gift certificate to Amazon. Head on over and check it out!!
