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Preschool Corner ~ Moving Chaos

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This week I have nothing. Nada. Zilcho.

We’ve been packing and moving {repeat} all week long, and did take a break to visit the Children’s Museum this week, but otherwise we practiced the fine art of lugging boxes, sorting toys and clothing, and navigating our new house.

BUT I’m sure the rest of you have some fun things to share with me that you’ve worked on this past week, so please link up and let us all see!


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  1. Thanks for making time to hosy when your super busy. Hope all goes well =)

  2. *host

  3. Tracy's corner says

    How do you link a post directly to another blog or some where???????????

  4. Moving is no fun. Well, the end result is, but the in between stage isn’t.

  5. Congrats on finally moving in!! Hope it goes smoothly!!

  6. That was sure a fast move! I hope you all get settled in just as quickly!

  7. I got nothing this week, and I’m not even moving. Sad. I blame it on the rain.

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