This post is a part of my 10 Day of Teaching God’s Word series
One of the most effective ways we’ve found in helping our kids learn Scripture and have it ‘stick’ has been through music. A few years ago our family was introduced to Seeds Family Worship and the results have been wonderful. When I tell you that songs from one of the albums are playing daily in our home, I am not joking. Each member of our family enjoys the music, and I love knowing that as we listen, our kids are firmly planting God’s words in their hearts!
Take a quick listen to one of our favorite songs “Do Not Be Anxious” from Philippians 4: 6-7 {feed subscribers can watch the video here}.
Music also gives us the opportunity to get up and move around. Several of our kids get so much more out of learning when they are physically doing something. We might add in some silly hand motions or act out a song, but it all helps in remembering the words to the verses!
Hearing God’s word played in the background each day and my kids humming Scripture and singing the word of God as they are in various places around the house just makes me happy. A few weeks ago it literally made me cry sitting downstairs and listening to the boys sing up in their rooms ~ repeating verses and knowing the words will be in their hearts for years to come.
Seeds Family Worship Resources
Below are a few additional ‘go-along’ resources for the Seeds Family Worship cd’s.
- Seeds offers index-card sized printables to help you memorize the verse.
- Val from Bible Story Printables has been sharing printables to go along with the Seeds Worship songs
- ABC Bible Verse Flashcards ~ many of the verses are based on the Seeds Worship albums
I also have a 20% discount code to share with you all when you purchase directly through Seeds Family Worship. Use the code HOMESCHOOLCREATIONS and start planting God’s words in your kids hearts.
Note: When you purchase a cd from Seeds, each package actually comes with TWO cds ~ one for you and one to share with a friend. You simply tear the packaging along the perforation and share the extra cd.
Additional Scripture Music Resources
Here are a few additional resources for music that you can use to help your child {and you!!} learn Scripture through music.
Have you found any CDs based on Scripture that have been a help to your family in learning God’s word? Leave a comment and let us know!!
Other Posts in the 10 Days of Teaching God’s Word Series
- Love God and His Word {Day 1}
- ABC Bible Verse Flashcard Printables {Day 2}
- Learning Scripture Through Music {Day 3}
- Illustrating Bible Verses {Day 4}
- Raising Rock Stars Preschool and Kindergarten Program {Day 5}
- Making God’s Word Come Alive {Day 6}
- SOAP Printables for Studying Verses {Day 7}
- In My Heart Printables {Day 8}
- Preschool Bible Verse Printables {Day 9}
- The Honest Truth {Day 10}
The 10 Days Series is organized by iHomeschool Network, a collaboration of outstanding homeschool bloggers who connect with each other and with family-friendly companies in mutually beneficial projects. Visit us on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter. And of course, click the image below to visit all the 10 Days posts from these homeschool moms of the iHomeschool Network. You’ll be blessed with tips on how to handle bad days, cultivating curiosity, teaching with Legos, and much much more!